About memy status
Information About me
Software engineer enthusiast being equipped with back & front-end software development capabilities to solve company problems. I am a self-starter, self-driven, highly motivated, and a motivated software professional. Throughout my career as a software engineer, I am eager to learn new technology and willing to take on new challenges
I have a strong educational background and professional experience that can assist you in completing any work. I'm looking for a career where I can use my technological talents and knowledge to provide revolutionary solutions to organizational business challenges, while also acquiring new skills and getting new experiences.
Years of
My Skills
My Timeline
April 2022 - present
Back-end development[Python] - KODEHAUZ SOLUTIONS PLANET LIMITED
- KodeCamp 2.0 is an intensive 3 months professional software development academy with aim to turn beginner into advanced developers mostly in Python language. - I currently working on back-end application using FASTAPI[Python] and Docker. - We went through more than 10 development task for building example applications. Example : Twitterclone available at my GitHub page https://github.com/Ihame-b/MyTwiter.git
JUN 2021 - 2022
Mobile e-Commerce Iworker - Freelancer, IHUZO PROJECT - ICT-CHAMBER & RTN in Kigali-Rwanda.
- We create APIs using Flutterwave and integrate them into company payment systems with other payment services such as MomoPay, Visa card and so on (Example : https://ihame-b.github.io/ ) - We create mobile applications to promote Made in Rwanda products and integrate them into Google maps service, allowing users to access products from any business that sells Made in Rwanda products (Example : https://bit.ly/MadeRWshop ). - We create WhatsApp-based e-commerce applications that use WhatsApp APIs to allow customers of a certain business to order goods and services at any time using wati or vapper (Example : https://diogenymobilestore.rw/ ). - Personal and Professional Profiling
2016 - 2017
Software developer - Trainee - EXCEL IN CODING ACADEMY, Kigali-Rwanda
- I developed a desktop student management administration system utilizing the JAVA-swing framework to assist administration manage all students transactions in a certain school. - Using the C programming language, I created a library management system that can save all data to a FILE and can assist the end-user in saving, displaying, deleting, and updating books in a library. - I have completed an end-2-end DJANGO based application, covering using the Python and the MySQL database. - Used CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap for the front-end development projects. - We studied basic JavaScript framework such as NODE.js, in which we was able to complete 70% of the course and enhanced with MySQL database
march 2022 - may 2022
Full-stack developer (Django) - Internship - KLAB RWANDA, Kigali-Rwanda.
- I’ve developped from scratch a ”VisitEAC” full-stack web application using Django framework with a decoupled back-end and front-end as services. - I’ve learned how to hosting my application using free hosting services such as Heroku. VisitEAC backend API can be accessed at https://easywitheac.herokuapp.com/docs/ The full stack code can be accessed at (link : https://github.com/Ihame-b/MyVisitEacApplication.git - Better understanding on how to build a full-stack web-app using Django framework[Python].
August 2019 - jan 2020
Java Spring and Hibernate - Online course - UDEMY, Online
- I took Beginner’s guide to Spring and Hibernate (including Spring boot) with certificate. - I worked on a project to construct a CRUD database web application using Spring MVC and Hibernate and I earned a certificate. - I worked on the Spring REST – CRUD Database Real-Time Project. - I worked on the Spring Boot – Build a REST CRUD API with JPA – Real-Time Project.
2019 - present
Student Software Engineer - Adventist University of Central Africa - AUCA · Full-time
- I am a finaly year software engineering student at AUCA Rwanda - I have experience with database management system (DBMS) with Procedural Language/Structured Query Language. - I have experience with Object Oriented Programming with Java, CRUD concepts, JAVA SWING framework and SpringMVC. - I have experience with Software project management, Software Quality, Requirement engineering, Linux Administrator commands and it programming for example : MyLinuxProject, Web-technology with client side and server side with Web Socket Techniques for example : WebTechProject and mobile application development.
My PortfolioMy Work
Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages.
My BlogsMy Blogs
How to Create Your Own Website
Discover how to learn web design and learn the basics of UI, UX, HTML, CSS, and visual design.
Becoming a web designer doesn’t have to be difficult. If you want to know the basic fundamentals, we’ve put together this guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.
How to Become an Expert in Web Design
Discover how to learn web design and learn the basics of UI, UX, HTML, CSS, and visual design.
Becoming a web designer doesn’t have to be difficult. If you want to know the basic fundamentals, we’ve put together this guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.
Become a Web Designer in 10 Days
Discover how to learn web design and learn the basics of UI, UX, HTML, CSS, and visual design.
Becoming a web designer doesn’t have to be difficult. If you want to know the basic fundamentals, we’ve put together this guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.
Debbuging made easy with Web Inspector
Discover how to learn web design and learn the basics of UI, UX, HTML, CSS, and visual design.
Becoming a web designer doesn’t have to be difficult. If you want to know the basic fundamentals, we’ve put together this guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.
Get started with Web Design and UI Design
Discover how to learn web design and learn the basics of UI, UX, HTML, CSS, and visual design.
Becoming a web designer doesn’t have to be difficult. If you want to know the basic fundamentals, we’ve put together this guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.
This is what you need to know about Web Design
Discover how to learn web design and learn the basics of UI, UX, HTML, CSS, and visual design.
Becoming a web designer doesn’t have to be difficult. If you want to know the basic fundamentals, we’ve put together this guide that covers everything you need to know to get started.
Contact MeContact
Contact me here
for more detail contact me here thanks.
: Kigali, RWANDA
: ihamegrbt@gmail.com
: Adventist University of Central Africa - AUCA · Full-time
: 0788558866
: swahili, English, kinyarwanda